About Us

Here at Wary Wallet, we want to help you protect your money and be more confident in the financial moves you make.

Far too many of us are often confused and even intimidated by the storm of information that surrounds the money decisions we make. In speaking with car dealers, insurers, and others we find we’re not experts and can’t advocate for ourselves as well as we’d like to. This confusion can stop us from ever moving forward.

And when we do make money moves, confusion can still linger and leave us feeling uneasy about the purchases we made.

Financial scams are also on the rise. Criminals are becoming more sophisticated in the tactics they use, which only adds to the fear and confusion we might feel when making purchasing decisions.

Here at Wary Wallet, we want to break through the fog of finance and give you the clarity you need to better advocate for yourself and make more confident money moves. We want to help you spot scams in advance so you can protect your identity and your wallet. We are “scam aware,” and want you to benefit from our vigilance.

Please know that we are not financial professionals. We are consumers who, through research and hard work, have learned to navigate the hazy world of finance and put ourselves on par with the experts.

We hope our website will be a great resource for you. If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Shoot us an email at editor@warywallet.com.